zaterdag, februari 22, 2003

For those of you who frequent XE you undoubtly read the funny messages on the title bar. Did anyone catch the one last week? "X-Entertainment is hiding chocolate..." Fucking brilliant. I pledge allegiance to Matt.

If I hadnt awakened this morning, you could be sure that your friend Mephsito died happy. For yesterday, not only did I get to spend the entire evening with Ally watching NBK, but we topped the evening off with Ghostbusters. Now, youre probably saying "Ghostbusters? Big deal." Well I have this to say to you, Fuck-Face, "It is a big deal. A big SCREEN deal." We saw it on a motherfucking movie screen. Yes, at exactly midnight the River Oaks theater let us and about 12 of the coolest nerds you will ever meet see Ghostbusters in theater. I saw Onionhead. When Stay-Puft came on screen, I flew out of my seat howling. It was amazing. You have not lived until you see a P.K.E. meter that succeeds in dwarfing you and those around you. Now if only River Oaks would do a screening of Vulgar....

Next time, I'll tell you the truth about Sicilians.

donderdag, februari 20, 2003

Wow. What a metric fuck it is to change ANYTHING on blog. Anyhow, this shall be the new "spot" as it were. Abandoned the lap. Too many bad memories within it. The Emporium Curio is a happy place, dammit.
Welcome. Take your time. Look around. Alert me if you would fancy a sample. Perhaps........ two samples?